Research on Research的意思

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Research on Research的网络释义

研究 对 研究加以研究 ( research on research ) 后设评鉴的型式(二)

Research on Research的短语

1、 research-on-research 科学管理 ; 科学研究

2、 research-on-research corporation 研究的研究公司

3、 research on action research 对行动研究之研究

Research on Research的例句

Alan Hawkins, a professor of family life at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, says there's a lot of research on factors that predict divorce but "virtually no research on the thinking process."

Alan Hawkins是犹他州普罗沃杨百翰大学家庭生活学的教授。 他说迄今为止有很多关于导致离婚因素的研究,但“实际上没人研究出离婚的整个考虑过程。”

Dr. Niblett also briefed the Ambassador on the organizational structure, research staff and latest research results of the Institute.


Moreover, America's National Institutes of Health will not pay for research on stem cells, such as these, that are derived from embryos created for research.


In agricultural research, the Consultative Group on International agricultural research should be mentioned.


Do your homework and spend time on research, because it's research that makes all the difference.


More importantly, the data collection process in qualitative research has a far greater impact on the results as compared to quantitative research.
