River Neva的意思

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River Neva的网络释义

涅瓦河 列宁格勒位于芬兰湾的东岸,横跨涅瓦河(River Neva),向东30英里便是广阔的水面宽度达60至70英里的拉多加湖。

尼瓦河 圣彼得堡位于尼瓦河(River Neva) 流入芬兰湾(Gulf of Finland) 的出口﹐是苏俄最北的联邦级的城市。

River Neva的短语

1、 Tourist boats on River Neva 涅瓦河上的游船

2、 Neva River 涅瓦河 ; 聂瓦河

3、 the Neva River 涅瓦河

River Neva的例句

The Neva River flows through the center of St Petersburg in Russia.


One of the events sees the Neva River turned in to a theatre stage for a recreation of a famous navy battle between the Russian and Swedish fleets in 1700.


He transformed an unpopulated marshland on the river Neva into a majestic city of stone and marble, today inscribed on UNESCO%26Otilde; s World Heritage List.


Russian saint and national hero named after the Neva River, where he defeated the Swedes in 1240.


Opposite the museum, on the other side of the river Neva, is St Peter's Church.


The experience was so shattering to Tschaikovsky that he attempted to end his life by standing up to his neck at night in the freezing waters of the Neva River.

这场经历对柴可大斯基是一次毁灭性 的打击,他在夜里走进涅瓦河,让冰冷 的河水 没到自己 的脖子,打算以此结束自己 的 生命。