Rookie of the Year Award的意思

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Rookie of the Year Award的网络释义

年度最佳新秀 ...新秀赛季之久,随后在赛季结束之后不仅入选NBA最佳新秀阵容,还力压群雄获得了NBA1996"年度最佳新秀"(Rookie of the Year Award)奖。

年度最佳新人奖 在这场年终赛的开幕式颁奖仪式上,我国球手潘晓婷荣获WPBA年度最佳新人奖(Rookie of the Year Award)。

Rookie of the Year Award的例句

It was enough to win them a rookie of the year award at regionals.


I didn't win Rookie of the Year, just like in the nba-but the CBA didn't have a Rookie of the Year award at that time. Now they do.


Yao finished his rookie season averaging 13.5 points per game and 8.2 rebounds per game, ranking second in the NBA rookie of the Year Award.


Yi played power forward for the Guangdong Southern Tigers of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) in 2002 and subsequently won the Rookie of the Year Award.


He was also voted the Sporting News Rookie of the Year and won the Laureus Newcomer of the Year award.


The Italian sports newspaper "all sports" organizations "Jin Award" winners, Messi overwhelmingly elected Wayne beat 2005 rookie of the year in Europe.
