Satisfactory payment的意思

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Satisfactory payment的网络释义

满意付款 能消除烦恼就是慧现已全国开通送车上门,满意付款(Satisfactory payment)效劳,享受孤独,地球不会因为只有你一个人而停止转动,也许她会很晚才出现,在此之前,你要学会正确利用时间,并且让自己发光发...

Satisfactory payment的例句

There are two models of business entrusted payment, transfer and cash available after the completion of satisfactory payment commission business.


The company will provide excellent working environment and systematic trainings (including annual training to Europe) and satisfactory payment and welfare.


Attendance bonus is a payment made to employees by their employer as part of their wage to reward satisfactory attendance at work.


We find both your designs and price quite satisfactory. Now what about the terms of payment?


Buyer may withhold payment until Seller, if requested, has furnished satisfactory releases of all liens and claims relating to the Work.


However, the need to pay attention to is that flowers vary greatly, so we must first layout, do satisfactory re payment, otherwise it is likely to be deceived.
