Scientific Research Progress的意思

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Scientific Research Progress的网络释义

科研进展 ... Scientific Reseposture Progress 科研发扬 Scientific Research Progress 科研进展 ; 科研停顿 Scientific Technology Progress 科技进步 ...

科研停顿 ... Scientific Reseposture Progress 科研发扬 Scientific Research Progress 科研进展 ; 科研停顿 Scientific Technology Progress 科技进步 ...

科学研究进展 ... 实验研究//Experimentation Research 科学研究进展// Scientific Research Progress 杏林文苑// Apricot Woods Literary World ...

Scientific Research Progress的短语

1、 scientific and research progress 科技进步

2、 progress of scientific research 科研进展

Scientific Research Progress的例句

Positive progress made in TCM scientific research.


We develop our technological progress continuously. And strive to build a first-lass laboratory. In this way. All of our scientific research and operations will be more consummate.


There are two results of scientific research leading up to the level of identified and agreed Xiaogan technological progress award.


China's scientific research each application must answer the question: What progress has been made overseas study.


Difficulties often encountered in scientific research. For most cases (more than 90%), lacking in ideas hinders the progress of scientific research.


In the following three days, we will discuss and share the most advanced progress in clinical and scientific research on andrology.
