Send New Message的意思

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Send New Message的网络释义

发送新短信 ... send a message o 发送短信的一个小小文件源码 Send New Message 发送新短信 Send A Message 发送消息 ; 发信息 ...

Send New Message的例句

When you complete the process with the new registrar, we send you an email message that includes instructions for authorizing the transfer away from us.


For example, I log in to the Web application and ask it to send all the people registered in the system a message telling them about a great new feature.


Package discarding is occurred when no backup routings exist in node cache, and a route error message is send to source node, then a new routing discover process will begin.


Anytime you have new pictures, upload them to Picasa, send a message to your subscribers, and they can view your gallery at their leisure.


Chinese New Year is a form of mobile office will no longer matter, send and receive text messages are not pretend, all is real friendship, and each message is really charging.


With the initialization complete, send the new message through your client instance to the originator.
