Since Strictly Speaking的意思

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因为严格讲 ... But Strictly Speaking 但严格地讲 Since Strictly Speaking 因为严格讲 Strictly Speaking Within 严格说来 ...

Since Strictly Speaking的例句

Strictly speaking, I am not impersonating this individual, since “Joyce Carol Oates” doesn’t exist, except as an author-identification.


Socrates believed that akrasia was, strictly speaking, impossible, since we could not want what is bad for us; if we act against our own interests, it must be because we don’t know what’s right.


Strictly speaking, the AST (abstract syntax tree) is also an IR (intermediate representation) - since it is not quite the source, and not quite the target language.


Since China's criminal law does not deprive those reproductive rights, strictly speaking, only to the reproductive rights of those facing the death of a way of the realization of uncertainty.


Strictly speaking, the Sony NEX is not an EVIL camera since it does not have an EVF.
