Size appropriate的意思

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Size appropriate的网络释义

衬衫大小很关键 ... No combinations 格子混搭成败笔 Match colors 颜色搭配显水平 Size appropriate 衬衫大小很关键 ...

Size appropriate的短语

1、 appropriate size 尺寸适合

2、 Cut the appropriate size 切适当大小

3、 The size is appropriate 大小合适么

Size appropriate的例句

You can view these statistics to help determine how your cache is performing, and whether the size of your cache is appropriate.


The easiest solution for the time being is to change all the Sans size 10 fonts to size 8 and that will shrink everything down to a more appropriate size.


Rows cannot be split between pages, so tables with long rows require the appropriate page size.


Maintain a backlog of the appropriate size, perhaps requirements that could be completed in no more than two releases.


All of the API convenience functions are equivalent to using purify_watch_n with the appropriate address, size, and type.


The relationship between utilization and heap size is highly application dependent, and striking an appropriate balance requires iterative experimentation with the application and VM parameters.

利用率和堆大小之间的关系跟应用程序有很大关系,达到一个大致平衡需要使用应用程序和 VM 参数反复实验。