Skeptical Science的意思

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Skeptical Science的网络释义

科学怀疑 事实上,根据《科学怀疑》(Skeptical Science)杂志刊载的一篇研究综述,对比了人类和自然对全球变暖的贡献。

Skeptical Science的例句

Schellenberg had long been skeptical of the science supporting claims that music education enhances children's abstract reasoning, math, or language skills.


He raises the skeptical problems and says the only science worthy of believe is one that can stand skepticism.


In 2007 he published Cool it: the Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to global warming, further analyzes what today's science tells us about global warming and its risks.


But a skeptical introduction would be not only an ungrateful but also a useless course; and that because Dialectic, as we shall soon make appear, is itself an essential element of affirmative science.


But he's skeptical about finding common ground among notions of reality from art, science, and spirituality.
