Temperature control mode的意思

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温度控制方式 ... 恩 是的 你英语几级啊 » Well Yes you English levels 我学习成绩优秀 » I'm learning excellence 温度控制方式 » Temperature control mode ...

控温方式     中文名称:控温方式     英文名称:temperature control mode     说明:电热毯加热过程中对温度的主要控制方式。     数据类型及格式:C..20     约束/条件:O 温度范围     中文名称:温

Temperature control mode的例句

The controller can save energy and protect environment because it can control temperature and select economical mode or comfortable mode for heat supply.


The temperature control of the aft cargo compartments is similar to that of the cockpit and cabin temperature-control system in the heating mode.


The method combines fuzzy control technology with PID algorithm and applies the multi mode control to design a control system of temperature and humidity.


With balance control mode of temperature and humidity, PID control, temperature and humidity decoupling applied, the high-response-speed and high-precision control can be fulfilled.


The measurement and control system of 3D high-temperature& high-pressure complicated replacing physical simulator is introduced, which includes structural design and developmental mode.


In the piston thermal fatigue test, there are two different operational mode: temperature control mode and time control mode.
