The EU Water Framework Directive的意思

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The EU Water Framework Directive的网络释义

欧盟水框架指令 在2000年,欧盟通过了建立水环境政策共同措施框架的指导性 法律——《欧盟水框架指令》(The EU Water Framework Directive).它作为 个基础性法律文件,具体指导畋盟国家进行水环境管理,将水域的保护与污染控 制结台起来,包括地表水体升类、水体监测及...

The EU Water Framework Directive的例句

The obtained results may baffle the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive in groundwater quality management field.


EU water Framework directive is the most important directive on the field of water resource protection in the past decades, the goal of which is to protect and manage water resource.
