The Easter Day的意思

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The Easter Day的网络释义

复活节 一、万圣节的由来: 关于万圣节 谁知道复活节(The Easter Day)的由来在莱茵河中游和黑森东部的一些城镇,至今保留着“彩蛋树”这一古老习俗。

The Easter Day的短语

1、 on the day before Easter 复活节前夕

The Easter Day的例句

Then one day, shortly before Easter, three bunny rabbits were placed on the shelf beside him.


This event is held every year on the day after Easter.


With Easter falling the weekend before, and May Day holiday on the following Monday, it means many people will enjoy two four-day weekends in a row.


This event is held every year on the day after Easter .


Each of the church to celebrate Easter refers to the full moon after the vernal equinox is the first one Sunday, if the full moon happens to be the day Sunday, Easter was postponed a week.


This event is held every year on the day after Easter. On that day, the White House opens its gates and welcomes children to roll Easter eggs on the South Lawn.
