The Holy Roman Empire的意思

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The Holy Roman Empire的网络释义

神圣罗马帝国 法人Voltaire(1649-1778)曾批评神圣罗马帝国(the Holy Roman Empire):「既不..

The Holy Roman Empire的例句

Thee kingdom of Italy was one of the constituent kingdoms of the Holy Roman Empire.


Luther borrowed an emerging standard used by the Holy Roman Empire, "chancellery German", as a base with some currency in different regions.


Settled by the Treveri, an eastern Gaulish people, it was an important commercial center under the Romans and later as part of the Holy Roman Empire.

该市是 高卢东部的一个民族——特维希人建立的,在罗马人统治时期是重要的商业中心,后来成为神圣罗马帝国的一部分。

These are knights from the Holy Roman Empire that have chosen to fight for money.


Their family 9) crest dates to the Middle Ages, when the Liechtenstein family was close friends with the Hapsburg family, who ruled the 10) Holy Roman Empire .


The eastern part (which would soon unite with the central portion as the Holy Roman Empire) can roughly be regarded as the beginnings of what is now Germany, the western part, that of France.
