The International Criminal Court的意思

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The International Criminal Court的网络释义

国际刑事法院 ...d Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) 、国际刑事法院(the International Criminal Court)、国际社会防卫协会(the International Society of Social Defense)、欧洲议会、法国国立战略研究和教育高级委员会(the Frenc...

The International Criminal Court的短语

1、 The International Criminal Court Statute 国际刑事法院规约

2、 The New International Criminal Court 新国际刑事法庭

3、 the permanent international criminal court 常设国际刑事法院

The International Criminal Court的例句

The International Criminal Court, which has an interest in prosecuting him, says that he is alive and in Libya. Then another son, Mohammed Qaddafi, was surrounded at home by armed rebels.


Rasmussen dismissed the possibility of Ciolonel Gadhafi stepping down in favor of his son, Seif al-Islam, pointing to a new International Criminal Court arrest warrant against both men.


The International Criminal Court in the Hague says it's had indirect contact with Colonel Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. He's believed to be interested in surrendering to the ICC.

海牙的国际刑事法院称其已经与卡扎菲的儿子Saif al - Islam Gaddafi间接接触,据悉他有意到国际法庭自首。

The International Criminal Court issued its first arrest warrants for LRA commanders, whose tactics include mutilating their victims by cutting off their lips and ears.


The establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) symbolized that the human being make a great leap in the direct application of International Criminal Law.


Earlier this month, Ms Campbell was ordered to testify at the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands over allegations that she received a rough-cut diamond as a gift from Mr Taylor.
