The Main Theme的意思

美 / / 英 / /


The Main Theme的网络释义

主题 它先由钢琴引出乐章的主题(the main theme),大提琴和小提琴便立即加 入了进来。

配乐的主题 《辛德勒名单》配乐的主题(The Main Theme) 乐曲采用小调式写成,结构完整,是常见的 复三部曲式。在短短的忧伤的引子之后,小 提琴如泣如诉地奏出了主题乐段。

The Main Theme的短语

1、 Happy as the main theme 快乐为主题

2、 The Main Theme and Sub-Themes 论坛主题和分专题

3、 The Beginning Main Theme 开场主题曲

The Main Theme的例句

He believed that every character, event, and even the smallest detail needed to support the main theme.


The historical aspect formed the main theme of her essay.


The disclosure, animadvert and reconstruction of national character is one of the main theme of the twentieth century.


This viewpoint is the main theme of our study in this project.


Expect does more than most people realize; that's the main theme of this column.


The main theme of the election campaign, which was less appealing, was one of national unity in the fight against inflation.
