The Manhattan Project的意思

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The Manhattan Project的网络释义

曼哈顿计划 相比之下,1944年的曼哈顿计划(the Manhattan Project),每个月在橡树岭基地(Oak Ridge site)的消耗就高达1亿美元。1948年,美国人仅在可口可乐上的消费,就超过了1.26亿美元。

曼哈顿工程 曼哈顿工程与科学家的社会责任的论文_科技哲学论文_中国论文网 关键词:曼哈顿工程、科学家、社会责任 [gap=625]keywords: the manhattan project; scientist; social responsibility

The Manhattan Project的短语

1、 The Manhattan Project Pack 曼哈顿计划

The Manhattan Project的例句

The crisis in Japan has boosted interest in nuclear-related museums and plants, once-secret Manhattan Project complexes and areas laid waste by disaster.


S. administration. The nuclear weapons labs are also engaged in a new Manhattan project: a huge nuclear buildup, which includes designing, testing and building new nuclear weapons.


The name: The Manhattan Project.


Today we move around more, but great work still comes disproportionately from a few hotspots: the Bauhaus, the Manhattan Project, the New Yorker, Lockheed's Skunk Works, Xerox Parc.

现代人迁移得更多了, 但伟大的作品仍然不成比例地来自几个热点地区: 鲍豪斯 (Bauhaus), 曼哈顿计划, 纽约客, 洛克希德的Skunk Works, 施乐的帕洛阿尔托研究中心(Xerox Parc).

There is something very American about Feynman breaking into safes during the Manhattan Project.


Then he joined the Manhattan Project.

与美国科学家们一起,他帮助发明了对抗德国火箭的技术。 之后,他加入了曼哈顿项目。