The Nationwide Building Society的意思

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The Nationwide Building Society的网络释义

建筑协会 英国国家建筑协会(The Nationwide Building Society)周五(18日)公布的月度调查数据显示,英国2月消费者对经济及个人就业前景变得更加悲观,支出意愿也下降。

The Nationwide Building Society的例句

House prices, which have been falling steeply, unexpectedly bounced by 0.9% in March, according to the Nationwide building society.


In the UK, Nationwide building society said that house prices increased by 0.9% in March, slowing the annual rate of decline to 15.7%, while in the US there was a surprise increase in factory orders.

在英国,国家建筑协会说在3月份放假上涨了0.9%,减缓了年度利率下降到15.7%的水平。 而在美国,工业订单有了令人吃惊的增长。

The survey by the British Nationwide Building Society, moreover, shows the increase in the housing price in April reached 3.4%.
