The Pilgrim的意思

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The Pilgrim的网络释义

朝圣者 马洛(Christopher Marlowe)朝圣者(The Pilgrim)蓝宝石蓝河自由精神(Spirit of Freedom)克莱尔奥斯汀 (Claire Austin)阿克多海洋之歌紫精灵箭叶黑巴克玛格丽特王妃(Crown Pri...

天路历程 “天路历程”(The Pilgrim’s Progress),中文有三种版本,较完整的为基督教文艺出版社版。

朝圣 ... 绿萼VIRIDIFLORA 朝圣The Pilgrim 格拉斯城堡GLAMIS CASTLE ...

伪牧师 ... 巴黎一妇人 A Woman of Paris 伪牧师 The Pilgrim 寻子遇仙记 The Kid ...

The Pilgrim的短语

1、 The Pilgrim Academy 皮尔格慕学院 ; 皮尔格慕学校

2、 The Pilgrim Church 走天路的教会

3、 The Pilgrim Award 朝圣奖

The Pilgrim的例句

How many loved your monments of glad grace, and loved your beauty with love false or true. but one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, and loved the sorrows of your changing face.


To escape, Franny has seized on a religious classic called the Way of a Pilgrim, in which an anonymous Russian peasant tells how he roamed the land first learning, and then teaching, the Jesus Prayer.


The father, in his tall Pilgrim hat, was like his own father - stern, someone to be respected.


Oft shall the pilgrim lift the latch.


Pilgrim badges were souvenirs of these journeys and, if brought into contact with the church's reliquary, holy objects themselves.


The pilgrim got past a security barricade by the central aisle of the vast basilica as the pope began leading the traditional procession to the altar, Father Federico Lombardi told reporters.
