The Promise Ring的意思

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The Promise Ring的网络释义

许愿戒指 “许愿戒指”( The Promise Ring)是来自美国东南部城市密尔沃基的乐队,在新一拨Emo乐队中算式成立较早的一支,当他们在1997年连续出版3张口碑极高的专辑后,曾一...

表演者 ... 表演者: The Promise Ring 版本特性: CD-single / EP 介质: Audio CD ...

The Promise Ring的短语

1、 With The Promise Ring 带着戒指

The Promise Ring的例句

In my opinion, there is nothing stay the same in the world, and the love is not the feelings that can by ringed by a ring, not a promise can ensure the ageing together by getting married.


You putting on that ring while saying your vows. The sad part of this is when most people promise for better or worse, they really only mean for the better.


Promise ring, surrounded by the I of happiness. Heino will be an inexhaustible inspiration, to create a broader world of creative wedding.


You give me the ring of promise, I'll never take it down.
