The Settlers of Catan的意思

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The Settlers of Catan的网络释义

卡坦岛 《卡坦岛》(The Settlers of Catan)是一款深受玩家称赞和喜爱的桌游。它在桌游界的地位,相当于电影界的《泰坦尼克号》,雄踞票房排行榜多年而不可撼动。

中文版 桌游 卡坦岛 精品中文版(The Settlers of Catan)全..

卡塔岛 逛戏实称:卡塔岛『The Settlers of Catan』 逛戏类型:害愚

卡坦岛及扩展 楼层 中文名称: 卡坦岛及扩展 英文名称: The Settlers of Catan 价格:400 所在地:苏州 交易方式: 状态:玩过几次(配件齐全,token尸体存在,无硬伤,无磨损) 供求:出售 详细描述:The Settle 基于3个网

The Settlers of Catan的例句

The whole thing will be capped off with the largest contest yet seen of "The Settlers of Catan", in which 1,000 people will compete to colonize a fictional wilderness.


The whole thing will be capped off with the largest contest yet seen of "The Settlers of Catan", in which 1,000 people will compete to colonise a fictional wilderness.


We had also packed a deck of CARDS and the board game Settlers of Catan.
