The target population的意思

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The target population的网络释义

受益人群 ...范使用;受益人群 [gap=957]Key words] Aspirin; Cardiovascular disease; Anticoagulant; Standard use; The target population ...

目标人群 ... 在我的家庭里 » In my family 要离开一段时间了,好好照顾自己 » 자신을 돌 봐 몇 시간을 떠나, 目标人群 » The target population ...

The target population的短语

1、 Updating the target population 更新目标群体

2、 Define the target population 界定研究族群

The target population的例句

The percentage of the world’s population using improved drinking-water sources increased from 77% to 87% between 1990 and 2008, a rate on track with meeting the global MDG drinking-water target.

1990至2008年间,世界上使用改良饮用水源的人口比例从77%上升到87%。 这一比率表明,可以按计划实现全球千年发展目标的饮水具体目标。

Globally, the percentage of the world's population with access to safe drinking-water increased from 77% to 87%, which is sufficient to reach the MDG target if the rate of improvement is maintained.


An additional consideration is to identify the target user population and to understand how they use the system. Some key questions regarding user demographics include the following.


The goal was to immunize the target population, aged between one and 29 years, in 10 days and it was accomplished in eight days!


Follow-up formulae should only be used for the intended target population.


The European Region could reach the target by increasing both DOTS population coverage and the use of smear microscopy.
