Thirteen Classics的意思

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Thirteen Classics的网络释义

十三经 十三经(The Thirteen Classics)是指在南宋形成的十三部儒家经典。分辨是《诗经》、《尚书》、《周礼》、《仪礼》、《礼记》、《周易》、《左传》、《公羊传》、...

Thirteen Classics的短语

1、 The Thirteen Classics 十三经

2、 nthe Thirteen Confucian Classics 十三经

Thirteen Classics的例句

This paper is one of the branch items of the national research program"grammar information dictionary of the Thirteen Classics".


It is necessary to annotate and interpret the "Thirteen classics" in sorting out ancient books and carrying forward Chinese civilization.
