To execute test cases的意思

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To execute test cases的网络释义

执行测试用例 To design and maintain test specifications 设计 维护测试规范 To execute test cases 执行测试用例 To handle test tools 操作测试工具仪表 ..

To execute test cases的例句

While it is variously referred to as branch, path, or variability identification, in all cases the test designer identifies the various ways the user or external system can execute the use case.


Working with test developers to implement the plan and execute the use cases.


The tester must also take special care with masked Causes, which must still be "1" or "0", and design a test or tests to best execute the test cases.


Additionally, operations are provided to re-execute test cases, cancel test execution, debug test cases, and auto-expand the test case information in the window as the tests are running.


Established rigorous testing standards requiring automated test cases to be written that execute against production-like WebSphere Application Server topologies.

建立严格的测试标准,要求编写一些自动化测试案例,这些测试案例针对类似于生产的WebSphere Application Server拓扑执行。

These test plans then allow team members to execute test cases and track test results dynamically.
