To gift-wrap的意思

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To gift-wrap的网络释义

作礼品包装 ... To be wrapped up ad a gift 作礼品包装 To gift-wrap 作礼品包装 Tea set成套茶具 ...

To gift-wrap的例句

Don't forget that most stores, including online stores will be happy to gift wrap your gift for you, to save you the time and effort.


She used beautiful tissue to wrap the gift. It rained heavily that day, a torrent of water poured down the mountain.


Buy paper to wrap the gift.


When you buy a gift for some-one, you can ask the shop to gift-wrap it for you: Could you gift-wrap it for me?

当你给某人买礼物时,你可以请售货员把礼物包装起来:Could you gift - wrap it for me ?

They call this a gift-wrap, but I'll assure you, it's not a nice present to send home to your mother.


I suggest you buy little surprises that you can wrap up, but for your main, big gift to someone you love, get gift certificates or give cash.
