Tomato and Lemon Juice的意思

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Tomato and Lemon Juice的网络释义

番茄柠檬汁 ... Bitter Lemon Juice 苦柠檬水 ; 苦宁檬水 Tomato and Lemon Juice 番茄柠檬汁 ; 番茄宁檬汁 Cumouat And Lemon Juice 金橘柠檬汁 ...

番茄宁檬汁 ... Bitter Lemon Juice 苦柠檬水 ; 苦宁檬水 Tomato and Lemon Juice 番茄柠檬汁 ; 番茄宁檬汁 Cumouat And Lemon Juice 金橘柠檬汁 ...

Tomato and Lemon Juice的例句

The classic version of the drink combines vodka and tomato juice with a splash of salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice.


A mix of tomato juice and vodka, along with lemon or lime, horseradish, Tabasco and Worcestershire sauces, black pepper and celery salt, the Bloody Mary packs a punch.


A compound beverage was made from lemon peel-deodorized kelp extract, tomato juice and strawberry juice.
