Two Story Town的意思

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Two Story Town的网络释义

双面城 ... Miss You Finally》(终极失往你) Two Story Town》(双面城) Under A Violet Moon》(在紫罗兰的月光下) ...

双城故事 ”菲菲蹦蹦跳跳地跑到电视前,和着Bonjovi《双城故事》(Two Story town)的节拍大跳起来,引来众人的注意和阵阵喝彩,她更旁若无人起来。

Two Story Town的短语

1、 Sensational Two-Story Town Home 引起轰动的二层城首页 ; 引起轰动的两层城市首页

Two Story Town的例句

The film follows the story of two young lovers who flee their New England town only to spark a manhunt.


Situated on Hill Street, near the center of town, the modest two-story frame house attracted little attention during the years when the family called it home.


But the story of these two companies begins in one house in the town of Herzogenaurach, Germany.


Ms. Chang's story centers on Dongguan, a giant factory town whose population is estimated at 70 percent female, where the economy has grown at a 15 percent annual clip for two decades.


This two-story contemporary home is located in Cape Town, South Africa.


Here are two true stories of the old West. Our first story begins with a very old photograph that was made in the little town of Pecos, Texas.
