VO-Virtual Organization的意思

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VO-Virtual Organization的网络释义

虚拟组织 动态虚拟组织(VO-Virtual Organization),基于这种虚拟动态组织的网格计算不仅 跨地域,而且延伸到不同的组织、异构的软件硬件平台,为每一个连接到网格的用

VO-Virtual Organization的短语

1、 vo virtual organization 虚拟组织

2、 virtual organization vo 虚拟组织

VO-Virtual Organization的例句

According to the actual distribution of primary and secondary schools, the model establish a level of information integration system by the use of the virtual organization (VO).


VO(Virtual Organization) is the basic management unit of grid computing, and coordinative computing group is the base of VO.


A challenging problem of constructing Virtual Organization (VO) ontology is how to deal with the problem of member ontologies variations.


The replication management system of GDSS plus proposed a model based on the virtual organization (VO) consist of storage agents and the user characteristics.
