Virtual Private Network VPN的意思

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Virtual Private Network VPN的网络释义

虚拟专用网 虚拟专用网(Virtual Private Network VPN)是指在现有的公共网络平台上构筑的企业专用网络,是当前网络领域的研究热点.

虚拟专用网络 在通信行业,远程访问服务器(Remote Access Server RAS)、虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network VPN)服务器、基于端口验证的网络交换机和网络接入服务器(NAS)都是控制网络接入的网关,它们都有一个RADIUS客户端模块可以和RADIUS服务...

虚拟私人网路 Translation NAT) 封包过滤(IP, PORT) 应用层代理(Application Porxy ) 状态检验 虚拟私人网路(Virtual Private Network VPN) 即时监控及警报 附加Intrusion prevention 功能 办公文档 > PPT模板素材 > 本校资安措施 详细» ..

Virtual Private Network VPN的短语

1、 VPN-Virtual Private Network 虚拟专网 ; 虚拟专用网 ; 虚拟专用网络 ; 虚构专网

2、 VPN virtual private network 虚拟专用网 ; 虚拟专用网络 ; 虚拟个人网络 ; 虚拟网路

3、 VPN Virtual Private Network service 虚拟专用网络业务

Virtual Private Network VPN的例句

Lieberthal then disconnects the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functions, sets email filters and a virtual private network, or VPN.

lieberthal继而断开连接的Wi - Fi和蓝牙,设置电子邮件过滤器和虚拟专用网络或VPN。

Virtual private network (VPN) technology also constrained our ability to use the tools easily and effectively.


A RRAS server can route network traffic or set up either dial-up networking or a virtual private network (VPN).


In addition, considering the COMNET's deficiency of the secrecy and real-time, another scheme of Virtual Private Network (VPN) based on GPRS combining fiber is brought forward.


The Virtual Private network (VPN) is a new network technology, which can use public network to construct Intranet. It not only reduce the expense of industry, but also ensure data security.


This article explains the characteristics of VPN technique and its application types. It then further introduces the design and application for WH stock virtual private network (WH-VPN).

文章在简要说明VPN技术特征和应用类型的基础上,介绍WH证券虚拟专用网(WH - VPN)的设计与应用。