When Light Wind的意思

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When Light Wind的网络释义

当光风 ... Light A Slight Wind 轻微微风 When Light Wind 当光风 the light wind frets 微风吹拂 ...

When Light Wind的例句

Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintry light.


At Earth, auroras light up when solar wind particles slam into molecules of air near the polar regions.


The wind in summer should be light blue, because it is too hot. When the light blue wind blew over, you would seem to be in a swimming pool.


Such things as light and wind only have meaning when they are introduced inside a house in a form cut off from the outside world.


When the light blue wind blew over, you would seem to be in a swimming pool. How cool!


The young pale wind-flowers had arisen by the wood, and under the hazels, when perchance the hot sun pushed his way, new little suns dawned and blazed with the real light.
