Whether The Incidence的意思

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Whether The Incidence的网络释义

否发病 Whether the incidence, mainly due to the number of TB infection, virulence, and the impact of high and low body resistance, and HIV is the virus destroyed the body's immune system, therefore, HIV co-infected with TB will rapidly tuberculosis.

Whether The Incidence的例句

Whether the incidence of these negative side effects can be reduced with TDR remains unestablished.


To determine whether differences in national trends in tuberculosis incidence are attributable to the variable success of control programmes or to biological, social and economic factors.


To determine whether the installation of deep tube Wells to reduce exposure to groundwater arsenic in rural Bangladesh had an effect on the incidence of childhood diarrhoeal disease.


The incidence of certain diseases or other negative effects is measured in each group to see whether exposure to the suspect substance is associated with an increase.


Conclusion: the incidence of postpartum depression is high. The main obstetrical factors include the time of pregnancy and abortion, the history of bad procreation way, whether normal delivery or not.


Before the infusion, patients should be asked in detail about allergies to reduce the incidence of allergies, whether the patient is allergic.
