Wholesale Price Index WPI的意思

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Wholesale Price Index WPI的网络释义

趸售物价指数 ..., 我们仅介绍几种最重要疛物价指数:消费者物价指数(consumer price index CPI)、趸售物价指数(wholesale price index WPI)、国民生产毛额帄减指数 (GNP deflator)、加权股价指数(weighted stock index)等。

Wholesale Price Index WPI的例句

Unfortunately, the latest wholesale price index (WPI) reading of +7.5% year-over-year suggests India is far from achieving its target of +4-4.5% inflation.


The uptrend in end-user CPI and export prices have lagged that in wholesale price index (WPI) and import prices.
