Wooden furniture industry的意思

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Wooden furniture industry的网络释义

家具木质行业 ...◇ 铝铸制品表面打磨修边(Polished surface of aluminum casting products trimming)◇ 家具木质行业(Wooden furniture industry)◇ 玻璃钢 金属制品(Glass fiber reinforced plastic metal products)具体介绍气动砂带机的特点所在:1、砂带磨削是一种弹性磨削...

Wooden furniture industry的短语

1、 Chinese wooden furniture industry 木制家具产业

Wooden furniture industry的例句

Advertising and sign, building decoration, art and crafts, furniture, wooden package, toy, model, computerized embroidery and clipping, packaging and paper industry.


In the design, the company leads the wooden door, ambry, furniture industry design for the new trend.


QingDao Gold Elephant wood Industry Co., Ltd is a professional wooden furniture manufacturer.


The wooden civil furniture market is a segment market of the furniture industry.
