World Cancer Research Fund的意思

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World Cancer Research Fund的网络释义

世界癌症研究基金会 许多研究都发现,减少肉品摄取量,可降低心血管疾病、肥胖等困扰;世界癌症研究基金会(World Cancer Research Fund)去年发表最新版癌症预防,建议应限制红肉(如牛、羊、猪肉等)的摄取,因为过量的红肉可能是导致大肠直肠癌的重要元凶。

基金会 4)缩小癌症:世界癌症钻研基金会(World Cancer Research Fund)的一项钻研发现,少吃肉和少喝酒能缩小罹癌危险。

研究基金会 2007年11月1日至2日在伦敦由世界癌症研究基金会(World Cancer Research Fund,WCRF)所举办的「饮食、营养、身体活动与癌症预防:全球观点专家会议中,发布 ..

World Cancer Research Fund的短语

1、 World Cancer Research Fund International 世界癌症研究基金会

2、 The World Cancer Research Fund 世界癌症研究基金

World Cancer Research Fund的例句

The report, titled "Policy and Action for Cancer Prevention" and released today Thursday 26th February, was produced by World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF).


Experts at the charity World Cancer Research Fund said more is needed to raise awareness of the dangers, according to the report.


According to the analysis of 23 experts by the World cancer Research Fund, Britain is now on a par with America when it comes to preventable cancer cases.


Scientists at the World cancer Research Fund believe that just 45 minutes of moderate exercise a day could prevent 5,500 cases of breast cancer in Britain annually.


Forty-four per cent of people questioned by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) thought stress increased the risk of cancer but just 36 per cent identified alcohol as a factor.


The YouGov survey of 2, 400 people for the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) found more than half thought scientists were always changing their minds.
