a dozen eggs的意思

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a dozen eggs的网络释义

一打鸡蛋 那为什么说a dozen eggs(一打鸡蛋)也可以?

一打蛋 ... 一串红萝卜 a package of cookies 一打蛋 a dozen eggs 一串葡萄 a bunch of grapes ...

十二个鸡蛋 ... a carton of eggs 一纸箱鸡蛋 a dozen eggs 十二个鸡蛋; 一打鸡蛋 a dozen of these eggs 一打这种鸡蛋 ...

个鸡蛋 ... 我的父母 » My parents 12个鸡蛋 » A dozen eggs 不要吵闹 » Against bickering ...

a dozen eggs的短语

1、 Half a dozen eggs 半打鸡蛋

2、 a dozen of these eggs 一打这种鸡蛋

3、 a dozen of eggs 一打鸡蛋 ; 一打蛋

a dozen eggs的例句

Eggs sell at 60 cents a dozen.


In the gray-ri, a few dozen eggs, mixed some water, put points, onions, salt, stir well, and then clear frying.


He has about a dozen of those eggs at home, including one that looks like a stitched baseball.


I'll have a dozen eggs.


He charged two dollars for half a dozen eggs.


If you can't spare a dozen eggs, half a dozen will do.
