a drop of water的意思

美 / / 英 / /


a drop of water的网络释义

一滴水 ... pressure drop 压力下降,压强下降... a drop of water 一滴水 at the drop of 一看到…(就…),一...

a drop of water的短语

1、 waste a drop of water 浪费一滴水

2、 A Tiny Drop of Water 一小滴水

3、 a drop of runing water 一滴水

a drop of water的例句

If you are a drop of water, can you moist an inch of land?


If a drop of water is heard blessing, I would like to give you the whole ocean!


Everyone would like to become a drop of water nourishes the human civilization.


But she never let a drop of water fall on his fire.


The series starting with a drop of water might be sketched as follows.


Save a drop of water every day, hard to have the Pacific Ocean.
