a prison camp的意思

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a prison camp的网络释义

战俘营 ... a holiday camp 度假营地 a prison camp 战俘营 an army camp 军营 ...

a prison camp的例句

As I told you before, this camp is just like a prison and my prayers is to move out from here as soon as possible.


My dad was put in a prison camp where he was beaten and abused by Serb soldiers.


Instead of doing his time in a standard prison, he served an abbreviated six-month term in a shock incarceration boot camp, earning his GED in the process.


Inmates laugh as a repeat offender shows off years' worth of prison tattoos at the high-security labor camp at Kovrov, 150 miles east of Moscow. (1993)


Four hundred were forced on a "death march" to a prison camp 400km (250 miles) away.


After 21 months on the run from a British prison camp, having crossed 65 mountain passes and 1, 000 miles of territory more than 16, 000 feet high, it seemed like a glimpse of Paradise.
