a reaction to的意思

美 / / 英 / /


a reaction to的网络释义

对…的反应 ... a reaction to 对…的反应 an answer to 对…的答案 an attitude to 对…的态度 ...

a reaction to的短语

1、 patient's reaction to a drug 病人对药物的反应

2、 lead to a reaction 引起反应

a reaction to的例句

Member a, though, views it as a personal attack rather than a reaction to the quote.


Rugut said the latest attack appeared to be a reaction to that violence.


Analysts say the selling Monday was also a reaction to bleak U.S. economic Numbers announced late last week, which pointed to a deepening economic recession.


the late French historian Georges Duby saw Gothic art as in part a reaction to the Cathar heresy, a civilised counterpart of the bloody Albigensian crusade.

已故法国历史学家Georges Duby把哥特艺术部分看作是对清洁教派的反应,血腥的阿尔比教派十字军的文明对应物。

The bank said the sale was not a reaction to analyst estimates over the last week that it would need to raise capital to absorb those losses.


David Kabiller of AQR says that his firm's mutual funds are not merely a reaction to market mayhem.
