a repeat order的意思

美 / / 英 / /


a repeat order的网络释义

续订订单 ... a back order 尚未实施的订单 a fresh order 新订单 a repeat order 续订订单 ...

续订货 订货并要求对方迅速发货 Sending an order, demanding a prompt delivery 续订货 A repeat order 零散订货 Separate orders ..

续定单 Lesson 12 (A) 续定单 ( A Repeat Order )

续订定单 ... 续订定单 a repeat order 续订通知 Renewal Notice 续订 续订 erneuern ...

a repeat order的短语

1、 Placing a Repeat Order 下续订单 ; 续订订单

2、 to book a repeat order 再续订一批

3、 a repeat order Love 续订订单

a repeat order的例句

In order to ensure that this procrastination does not happen again, I plan to list out everything that I procrastinate on and add a star to everything that is a repeat in a weekly review.


A good number of people in order to not repeat a 4-digit number, can not let people know guess.


Affirmations are short phrases or sentences you repeat to yourself mentally in order to induce a certain state of mind. the classic one being.


The tags had to repeat correspondingly in order to generate a well-formed XML document.


In order to give the game a longer shelf life and encourage repeat play, there is a passport section that measures your progress.


Let me repeat your order. That's a Mac Chicken special and an apple pie.
