a ticket office的意思

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a ticket office的网络释义

一个售票处 ... - a diamond necklace 一条钻石项链 - a ticket office 一个售票处 - a department store 一个百货商场 ...

售票处 ... a mistake 错误 a ticket office 售票处 a restaurant 餐馆 ...

a ticket office的短语

1、 a ticket-office-on-wheels 流动售票车

2、 In a ticket-office 在售票处

3、 a consolidated ticket office 综合售票处

a ticket office的例句

Worldwide, the eighth and last film based on novels about the adventures of a boy wizard by J.K. Rowling raked in $475m; 3D ticket sales accounted for 43% of the box-office receipts.

第八部也是最后一部,根据J.K罗琳编写的小男巫冒险小说改编而成的电影,在全世界范围内吸金4.75亿美元。 3D电影票收入占到了票房收入的43%。

Passengers began to buy train tickets at a ticket office of Nanjing Railway Station on January 10, 2010.


As the entrance building, this visitor center combines a ticket office, a dressing room for rafting and toilets.


That's a good news. But that does not mean I could get the ticket from the booking office of the railway station.


We have a cafe and library upstairs and a ticket office down the hall where you can buy tickets to all the major Jazz concerts in the city.


The ticket office is placed alongside a library and a children's area at ground level, and a deep granite steps ACTS as an open-air meeting spot by the entrance.
