academic research institution的意思

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academic research institution的网络释义

纯理论研究机构 ... academic research institution 纯理论研究机构 international academic institution 国际学术机构 Financial management in academic institution 学术机构中的财务管理 ...

academic research institution的例句

It aims to ensure a university's goals are reached by guaranteeing that the institution produces sufficient income to enable it to invest in its future academic and research activities.


More than 1 year experience in medical or scientific research institution or academic college.


Jin has interviewed University of Hamburg and University Bieledfeld in Germany and German Research Institution of Modern History of Private Law for academic exchange.


The university library, which is an academic institution of serving the instruction and scientific research, possesses the double- function ofthe information and the education.

高校图书馆是为教学和科 研服务的学术性服务机构,具有情报和教育的双重职能。