accounting and finance的意思

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accounting and finance的网络释义

会计与金融 ...and Finance):涉及高级金融理论、计量经济学、金融风险、金融模型、企业金融学等学科。 3. 会计与金融(Accounting and Finance):涉及会计学与国际经济、企业金融学、财务风险分析、衍生物市场等学科。 4.

会计和金融 NO、1 埃克塞特大学的Accounting and Finance(会计和金融) 在本次《TIMES》英国大学综合排名TOP10中,埃克塞特大学无疑是最成功的一所学校,上升两个名次,从第10名冲到第8名!

会计金融专业 排名: 会计金融专业:2009年英国大学会计金融专业(Accounting and Finance)排名 中排名第 46 经济学:2009年英国大学经济学(Economics science)专业排名 中排名第 56 计算机:2009年英国大学计算机(Computer...

金融与会计学 ... ·Accounting and Finance 金融与会计学 ·Marketing 市场营销学 ·Business Studies 商务研究学 ...

accounting and finance的短语

1、 MSc Accounting and Finance 会计与金融 ; 会计与金融学 ; 会计和金融硕士 ; 会计和金融

2、 China Accounting and Finance Review 中国会计与财务研究

3、 MSc International Accounting and Finance 国际会计与金融硕士 ; 国际会计与金融 ; 国际会计与金融硕士课程 ; 金融硕士课程

accounting and finance的例句

The CIMA qualification has given me a huge advantage because it emphasizes business and people management, whilst providing a solid grounding in accounting and finance.


Before that he was senior vice-president and led the company's accounting and finance operations.


A breakdown by industry shows that starting salaries for accounting and finance grads rose by a mere 1.9%, while business-administration and management graduates saw increases of less than 1%.


"Get right to the point," advises Jonathan Mazzocchi, a partner in the New York City accounting and finance division of staffing and recruiting firm Winter, Wyman.

“直奔主题,”招聘公司Winter, Wyman的纽约市会计与金融分部的合伙人乔纳森·马佐奇建议。

Our performance in the Accounting and Finance research reinforces a number of prior benchmarking studies that demonstrate we are one of the two leading Accounting Schools in the Asia-Pacific region.


Accounting and finance: focuses on management accounting, with modules that cover analysing and understanding a company's financial condition and performance from its published accounts.
