acknowledgement of receipt的意思

美 / / 英 / /


acknowledgement of receipt的网络释义

回执 ... goods receipt货物收据 acknowledgement of receipt回执,接收确认 bank receipt水单;银行收据 ...

收据 ... activation temperature range of flux 钎剂活性温度范畴 acknowledgement of receipt 回执,收据 activated carbon 活性炭 ...

收款回执 ... 回执器 HTR heater 收款回执 Acknowledgement of Payment ; Acknowledgement of receipt 回执曲调 return notification tune ...

挂号回单 首页 ... postal gift coupon 邮政礼券 acknowledgement of receipt 挂号回单 international parcel/mail 国际包裹/邮件 ...

acknowledgement of receipt的短语

1、 acknowledgement of receipt template 收货确认模板

2、 Acknowledgement of Manifest Receipt 收到舱单回执

3、 acknowledgement of receipt of goods 收货回执

acknowledgement of receipt的例句

The request immediately results in an acknowledgement of receipt from the provider (without returning a value to the receiver).


This would allow you to receive an acknowledgement or receipt of delivery even if response message is empty.


The Company shall not be deemed to have received the Client's instruction unless and until the Client is in receipt of the Company's acknowledgement.


The Centre shall confirm the receipt of Requests, Answers and Supplements to the Initiator and Respondent (Acknowledgement).
