added value tax的意思

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added value tax的网络释义

本年应交增值税 ... 减免税总额 Total Tax Shelter *** 本年应交增值税 Added Value Tax *** 本年销项税额 Include in Sales Cost *** ...

详细翻译 详细翻译>> added value tax 增值税..

升值税 ... added value statement 升值表 added value tax 升值税 addition 增置,扩建 ...

added value tax的短语

1、 added-value tax 增值税

2、 value-added tax 增值税 ; 巴基斯坦国民银行 ; 增殖税 ; 附加价值税

3、 value added tax 增值税 ; 加值税 ; 附加增值税 ; 加增值税

added value tax的例句

Additional value-added tax rebates for exporters are also likely, given that textile exporters have already received them.


To help keep tourists coming this year, the Greek Parliament reduced the so-called V.A.T. (value-added tax) charged to tourists by hotels to 6.5 percent from 11 percent.


It also said that inflation would probably remain above target in 2011, largely because of a rise in value-added tax planned for the start of the year.


Further increases in the cost of imported commodities and this month's rise in value-added tax (VAT) are likely to push the rate above 4% by spring.


However, current added value tax doesn't function effectively and it also brings inflexible turnover of business fund some new difficulties.


He said the city also hopes to lead China in implementing a value-added tax on the services industry.
