administrative support staff的意思

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administrative support staff的网络释义

行政支援幕僚 ... Administrative Management Staff Director 行政管理部主任 administrative support staff 行政支援幕僚 administrative or technical staff 行政技术人员 ...

administrative support staff的例句

Provide general secretarial support to professional and management staff as needed, assist in clerical work in the office as requested in order to address administrative needs in the office;


There are also the many administrative support folks, sales and marketing staff, and technical writers who must work with the engineers and organize the reams of documentation they produce.


Assist management in facilitating the adherence to Mercy Corps administrative, IT, HR and logistics procedures and staff policies by support staff.


Only 200,000 of the NHS's 1.4m staff in England provide administrative support, reckons Reform, a think-tank.

NHS的140万英格兰工作人员中只有20万提供管理方面的支持工作,智囊团reckons Reform说。

Shanxi Xingmei law firm has a high degree, Professionally, Neat lineup of professional lawyers, Currently has lawyers, paralegals and administrative support staff of 47.


Description: - Provide administrative support to Audit staff.

Description: - 为审计部员工提供行政支持;