adolescent growth spurt的意思

美 / ˌædəuˈlesnt ɡrəuθ spɜ:t / 英 / ˌædlˈɛsənt ɡroθ spət /

n. 差异,不符

CET6 / 考研 / IELTS / GRE / GMAT 商务英语

adolescent growth spurt的用法讲解


Adolescent Growth Spurt

Adolescent growth spurt is a period of rapid physical growth that occurs during adolescence. It is believed that the main cause of this growth spurt is an increase in levels of sex hormones. The rapid growth usually begins around 11 or 12 years of age in girls and 13 or 14 in boys. It usually lasts for a few years and is characterized by significant increases in height and weight.

The adolescent growth spurt can be a difficult time for both boys and girls. During this time, they may experience a variety of physical and emotional changes as they try to come to terms with their changing bodies. These changes can include acne, increased body odor, changes in skin tone and texture, and a significant increase in body hair. Additionally, girls may experience menstrual irregularities and boys may experience testicular growth.

In terms of emotional changes, adolescents may become increasingly self-conscious and may become more independent. In order to cope with these changes, it is important that they receive support from their parents, teachers, and other trusted adults. Additionally, adolescents should be encouraged to engage in physical activity in order to manage their weight, build strength, and maintain overall health.

Adolescent growth spurt can also cause a number of orthopedic problems, such as scoliosis, flat feet, and Osgood-Schlatter disease. Proper nutrition, rest, and physical activity can help minimize these risks. Ultimately, the adolescent growth spurt is a natural process of development and should be supported and encouraged.


adolescent growth spurt的短语

1、 Discrepancy theory 差异理论,差異理論

2、 Manifest Discrepancy 舱单数据不符,批量报备,舱复数据不符

3、 measurement discrepancy 尺寸差异

4、 discrepancy and claim clause 异议与索赔条款,异议和索赔条款,索赔条款,索赔条目

5、 accumulated discrepancy 累积不符值,累积差,累积误差

6、 statistical discrepancy 统计差异,统计误差

7、 Income Discrepancy 贫富差异

8、 discrepancy switch 差速开关,不对位开关

9、 mass discrepancy 质量差异