adverse weather conditions的意思

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adverse weather conditions的网络释义

不好的天气状况 ... adverse weather 不利天气 adverse weather conditions 不好的天气状况 adverse weather condition 恶劣的天气状况 ; 不良气象条件 ; 恶劣气候条件 ...

复杂气象条件 ... 复杂气象条件下的空袭 inclement weather raid 复杂气象条件 adverse weather conditions 复杂气象飞行时间 weather time ...

adverse weather conditions的例句

The shape also offers higher speeds when navigating in adverse weather conditions.


He/she may be required to work irregular hours, overtime, outdoor, in adverse weather conditions, shifts and in different locations (including Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays).


But now a paper claims it was not one or the other, but rather adverse weather conditions that drove icebergs south farther than usual.


The expedition encountered adverse weather conditions.


Adverse weather conditions, the perfect outdoor clothing brand experience!


Among the crashes that occurred in adverse weather conditions, 75.5% were single-vehicle, ROR crashes (in good weather conditions, 70% were ROR crashes).
