allotment of shares的意思

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allotment of shares的网络释义

配股 ... 听听(A配套政策 supporting policies 配股 allotment of shares 对比一下马太效应泡沫经济 bubble economy ...

股份分配 ... acceptor for honour 加入承兑人 allotment of shares 股份分配 assets pledged as security for liabilities 用作负债典质的资产 ...

股份的分配 ... allied company 联号;联合公司 allotment of shares 股份的分配 amended pleading(s) 修正的诉状 ...

allotment of shares的短语

1、 allotment of shares&nb 配股

2、 allotment of shares o 配股

3、 allotment of shares Network 配股

allotment of shares的例句

Big shareholders involving in allotment of shares may affect the profitability of the fund to some extent.


The company will allocate shares by lottery, giving every successful applicant the minimum allotment of 14,000 takas before it gives anyone more than that.

格莱珉电话公司将通过抽签分配股票,在下一次分配之前最少将给每个中签者14,000 takas额度的股票。