an advertisement for的意思

美 / / 英 / /


an advertisement for的网络释义

一则……的广告 ... 一次写作比赛a writing competition 一则……的广告an advertisement for 保密keep secrets ...

an advertisement for的短语

1、 An Advertisement for Modern Bicycle 一则新式自行车的广告 ; 双语笑话

2、 an advertisement for a situation 求职广告

3、 an advertisement for UNICEF 一则UNICEF的广告

an advertisement for的例句

Reading aloud is, in essence, an advertisement for learning to read.


An advertisement for Miracle- Ear hearing aids shows a picture of a spaced-out youth, coiffured for Woodstock. “Back then you chose not to listen, ” says the caption.


Prepare an advertisement for your local fire department to pass out to the community that includes the main results of your mathematical models.


I am not doing an advertisement for the aloe glue here!


In the magazine, how do you find an advertisement for a company?

在杂志上怎样能找到一个公司的广告呢? ?

Low art is an advertisement for the artists ego.
