an immense territory的意思

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an immense territory的网络释义

广大的领土 ... 极广大的 immense 广大的领土 an immense territory 广大的,丰富的 ample ...

an immense territory的例句

Elkan recently piloted his Cessna north of Juba, along the White Nile, then east into an immense territory that reached toward the sunrise. For hours we flew over untouched land.

最近,埃尔坎驾驶着塞斯纳飞机从朱巴的北部起飞,沿着白尼罗河(White Nile)一直向着东部的广阔区域飞行,飞机在那一片人迹罕至的地带飞行了数小时之久。