an official announcement的意思

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an official announcement的网络释义

官方公告 ... Official 正式的 官方的 官方授权的; An official announcement 官方公告 Passport [ 'pɑ:sp?:t ] n. 护照 ...

an official announcement的例句

The official announcement Outlines the requirements for an application to utilize atmosphere.


Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, Standard Chartered Plc and BNP Paribas sa are also part of the negotiations, the people said, declining to be identified before an official announcement.


The emir is due to make an official announcement on Tuesday, which has been declared a national holiday.


If you have an engagement ring, you first wear it in public on the day of the official announcement of your engagement.


An OFFICIAL announcement is not expected until next month, and may come even later.


There’s still no official word on the D3100 14 megapixel SLR that was also leaked in Foto magazine, but we’re guessing that an official announcement won’t to too far away.

而与此同时在该杂志对于D3100,一款1400万像素的单反相机的发布却还没得到任何官方的确认消息。 但是我们猜测,官方的宣布将为期不远。